C Change - year 3

Supporting and developing the network

In our third year we continued to work with schools as they expanded their creativity work, engaging more teachers in the inquiry process. We continued to explore how signature pedagogies can develop the Creative Habits of Mind and shared good practice within and across our schools. C Change supported schools in building partnerships in their own communities with creative organisations and businesses, to strengthen the educational offer for the young people.

We have created case studies around creative leadership, pedagogy and partnerships. A toolkit has also been created for parents so schools can better engage them in students' learning.

Now that the pilot programme has ended, our hope for the future is that we create a sustainable model that will enable us to support schools beyond our current network.

Why not watch the video below which shares a bit more information about the history of New Brighton as an area. We also talk about the work we have done with the pupils in this area, to both support the regeneration and create exciting and creative opportunities for our young people within their own communities.

Click the image below to hear from Rob Anderson, Leader of extended curriculum at Everton Free School in Liverpool and member of the C Change Collaborative, who works in alternative provision with pupils who have been excluded from mainstream education. Listen to Rob share how teaching for creativity is building confidence and igniting a love of learning in his cohort.

Click the image below of Faye Johnson from Everton nursery and family centre from the collaborative, as she shares learnings about creativity and how her team embedded teaching for creativity to set up their three and four year olds for success.

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