Anglian Learning - year 2

Testing pedagogies for inquisitiveness in the classroom

In year two, the Action Research projects explored pedagogies that could be used in the classroom to foster inquisitiveness. The projects were upscaled from individual teachers and their classroom practice to multiple classes, across subjects or across whole key stages. Pedagogical approaches trialled were: exploring and investigating through project-based learning; mantel of the expert; wicked questions; using oracy to aid inquisitiveness and wondering and questioning. Again, the highlight of year two for those teachers involved was the sharing best-practice day.

The research team, along with our University College London link Sally Riordan, evaluated the findings from questionnaires, focus groups, observations and research journals. It became clear that creating the conditions to foster inquisitiveness in the classroom was multidimensional and the following factors emerged as being central:

Student attributes

Students perceived that:

  • Having autonomy over projects made them successful.

  • They were more inquisitive when there was student-led learning.

  • Inquisitiveness was a skill that could be learned.

  • Collaboration helped students to be more inquisitive.

  • Project-based learning helped students acquire knowledge that they could apply to other settings, such as exams.

  • Students identified that challenge helped them to be inquisitive.
  • Project-based learning helped students to be more inquisitive and curious in their learning.

Classroom culture

Students perceived that elements of their classroom impacted on:

  • Their inquisitiveness.

  • The relationship between student and teacher.

  • Seating plans.

Teacher attributes perceived by the students

Students perceived that:

  • A teacher’s own inquisitiveness impacted on their inquisitiveness.

  • The dynamics between students and teacher affected their desire to be inquisitive in lessons.

Whole school ethos

There seemed to be a correlation between inquisitive values and whole school values. For example, in a primary school where collaboration was a key attribute, students were able to articulate how this helped them to be more inquisitive.

Other years