St Marylebone - year 1

Setting out a plan

The project began in December 2021 with a launch event. Here we met our new colleagues, shared our hopes and expectations of the next three years and set the creative and collaborative tone of the project.

Our research questions were:

  • How can schools develop a whole-school culture and credo?
  • In what ways might a school-based teacher research group develop staff understanding of what it means to teach creativity across the curriculum?
  • How might a school’s teacher research group help staff to embed and improve their practices in teaching for creativity?
  • What is the role of school leaders in working with staff and outside agencies to ensure that creativity is embedded in all aspects of school life?

We worked with 13 different schools across ten London boroughs - six primaries, five secondaries, a special school and a sixth form. Each school set out their own plan on how they would nurture creativity in their settings.

Find out more about the year one journey by clicking on the image below.

Other years